Like many, I use the start of the New Year to establish
specific goals of what I would like to accomplish throughout the year. They are usually posted near my bed as a
daily reminder. In recent years, I have
also developed a theme to accompany my goals (It’s like theme music, every superhero should have one, lol,—it’s a quick and easy reminder of where your
focus should be!). Last year’s theme was
“Living the Joy” because I realized that: 1) happiness is fleeting because its
based on external stimuli, while joy is everlasting because it is internal and
2) desiring joy isn’t enough, you have to work at having it—daily!
If ya don’t mind, I’d like to share my 2012 theme and goals
with you.
My theme, “Freedom to be,” came to me late last year. It perfectly encompassed the journey that I am
moving towards, while also embodying what prompted me to move away from the
path that I was on.
It reads, “the opportunity to pursue my idea of happiness without
persecution or restriction.” I received
this in Brooklyn from a waiter at a cute Williamsburg brunch spot! He had a
tattoo on his arm that read, “I am flawed If I’m not free.” I asked him what freedom meant to him. He didn’t answer right away,
said he needed
time to think. Before I left the
restaurant though he slipped me the waiter’s check with his definition of
freedom written on it. I came across it
this morning and it made me realize that the S.M.A.R.T. (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely) format that I am accustomed to using to write my
goals, in it’s nature is the antithesis of being “free.” Instead I should define what freedom is to
me/how I want to manifest freedom in my life in 2012. So my goals have morphed into something more
or less resembling mantras. My 2012 theme and goals are:
The freedom to be, because I choose….
…I choose faith.
I will surrender to the Lord’s will and try
not to lean on my own accord.
…I choose me. Love me. Follow my unique path. Embrace my personal truths. Foster my talents.
…I choose joy.
Actively pursue and embody joy, by doing what brings me happiness.
…I choose financial
freedom. Live within my
budget. Develop strategies to deliver
myself from the restraints of (student loan) debt and resist temptations that
would permit me to incur debt.
…I choose life. I will not survive, but thrive by living everyday to the fullest and without regret.
…I choose consciousness. To fully breathe in and absorb every
experience. Be aware and connected to my
environment and the people that come into my world for an instance or for a
lifetime. Appreciate the moments.