Saturday, May 26, 2012

Thankful for Life (RIP to My UMES Fam)

I just had an epiphany: I live in South Africa!!! I just got out of a taxi to go to the mall for lunch and grocery shopping.  When I was at the taxi rank, I took a moment to truly take in the sights and sounds.  I was amazed!!!  I live here, this is my life. I can navigate what would seem to most American eyes as poor chaos, but I know the system and feel the rhythm.  How cool is that!!??  Not only that, but during my taxi ride I was reading up on Brazil, in preparation for the start of my trip around the world.  That’s pretty damn cool.  I am living in South Africa and planning trips to other countries (New Years in Dubai anyone or 2013 Carnival in Brazil?!).

I don’t share this to brag.  I have been plagued with a lot of FML (F…My Life) moments lately (you have no idea how frustrating it is to get stood up for meetings almost on a daily basis…if I got paid for the time I waste waiting for folks…SMH), causing me to survive and not live.  This morning when I logged into Facebook though I was reminded about the importance of appreciating life. 

My Facebook feed was filled with RIP and condolences messages for a UMES classmate.  I am still unsure what caused his sudden death, but it really threw me for a loop.  He is the second one of my undergrad classmates, as well as a classmates' ex-wife, to pass over the 4 months since I have been in SA.  I didn’t think we were there yet.  We are suppose to be in the prime of our lives—enjoying our mid-thirties and the financial and career success that our twenties brought us.  We aren’t young, but we aren’t old!!!

Reflecting on all of this reminded me to enjoy and appreciate the blessings that God has given me.  To truly live each day because tomorrow is not promised.  My ears, eyes, heart, and mind are open.  And I am just so truly thankful.  God has abundantly blessed me—in spite of my flaws, mistakes, sins, etc.  From that comes my appreciation for this moment in my life.  Despite not being someone of means, God has seen it fit to bless me with the opportunity to live and travel abroad.  I am living a pretty cool life.  It has its own set of challenges and limitations, but isn’t that always the case. 

So I am committing to stop acknowledging the FML moments and instead focus on the MFL (My F Life!!!!—said with enthusiasm and excitement and a cocky head nod) moments. And I am also recommitting myself to my 2012 goals or be conscious and fully breathe in and absorb every moment.  Be aware and connected to my environment and the people that come into my world for a an instance or for a lifetime.  And to appreciate the moments.  I will not survive but thrive by living everyday to the fullest and without regret.

May you all be blessed as well.  And thank you for being apart of my life and my journey.

R.I.P to my UMES fam, you are gone but not forgotten
Damon Baker
Bryan Thomas
Paul Robeson
Brandi Broomer
(and the Godfather of Go-Go Chuck Brown)

Tsamaya sentle (go well/goodbye in Tswana)


  1. Just wanted to let you know, we're thinking of you always and keeping you in our prayers. It's so refreshing to read your blog and know that there are folks that think like us ;) Keep enjoying this awesome opportunity and yes live life to the fullest. Let us know if you need anything. Gros bisous ma géante

    1. Juanita!!!! So good to hear from you. Thank you for being my inspiration and letting me know that it is possible to live out our dreams and that risks are rewarded (I will never forget when I told you to give up and you said I just have to try one last time and look at ya now). I so appreciate your support. And yes I do need something--HEAT!!! Its freezing here, lol. No I am good but I will let you know. I pray that all is well with you and your family. Love ya! Mei

  2. Wonderful post! I stumbled on your blog after reading your post in Women of Color Living Abroad.

    I think we all go through those FML moments :) But as you learn to refocus and choose your thoughts, they become less frequent episodes!! At least I like to think so!

    I saw that you were in Africa - and now I see Peace Corps, are you still doing that?

    I've been thinking of where to teach English and relocate for 2013 - my big year of another change - and I seem to be drawn to head back to Africa, not sure where though. Any insight appreciated! :)

    And I was even thinking BRazil for new year's!

    Cheers, L

    1. Thanks Lily. I agree with you. We are in control of our own happiness. I learn that more and more every day. Living in a developing country is a constant reminder of this. I have no control over my environment, schedule, the people I work with, etc, but I do control my reactions to all of those things and how they influence my spirit or joy.

      Yes, I am scheduled to be in South Africa until the beginning of December. I actually also served as a Peace Corps Volunteer in West Africa ten years ago. When I left ten years ago I never imagined that I would be living here again as a Peace Corps Volunteer. As you said though you get drawn in. I don't know a lot about English teaching programs in Africa. I would recommend consulting the job posting area on the Embassy websites though. I am more than willing and available to answer any questions you have about my experiences living in Africa or the Peace Corps.

      And you are more than welcome to join me in Dubai for NYE or Brazil (Bahia) for Carnival!!!!

  3. New Year in Dubai or Carnival in Brazil sounds awesome!!!

    1. Eyshaka, you are more than welcome to join either trip!!!!
